The Utrecht International Comedy Festival likes to help starting stand-up comedians on their way, which is why we have been supporting the stand-up comedy courses of the Comedyhuis for many years. We believe that stand-up comedy should become a high-quality art form in the Netherlands. That is why we work together with the Comedyhuis to ensure that more and more curious people can get acquainted with one of the best art forms there is.
During the comedy courses, all facets of the life of a stand-up comedian are discussed. How do you come up with and write a good joke, what are ways to improvise on suggestions from the audience, what is the best way to play funny jokes on stage: all these things are covered. From the creative side to the business side, these stand-up comedy courses help novice and advanced comedians on their way!
During this comedy course, you will immerse yourself in the world of comedy one evening a week (from 7:15 pm to 10:00 pm) for seven weeks. You will be trained by our experienced teachers to become a real stand-up comedian.
From the basic theory of comedy (what is a joke?) to the secret tricks of the trade (what do you do when a joke doesn’t work?), everything is explained in this course. You will also be provided with our handy reader full of basic theory about comedy, practical exercises, tips for writer’s block, and wise lessons that the writers have learned over their many years.
The course is concluded with a performance in the Comedyhuis Club.
Course package €425.00 (incl. VAT)
or €340.00 (with CJP/student discount)
- 7 weeks of lessons
- 1 final performance
- 1 free ticket for the final performance so a friend/family member can attend
- 1 hardcopy comedy reader full of theory and tips
- 1 comedy novel Keuzes van Nu
- 1 ticket for the Big Binge of Comedy at the UICF
- 3 discount codes for Big Binge of Comedy tickets at the UICF for friends/family
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Er zijn momenteel nog geen data bekend voor deze cursus.